Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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Cuboseia & Steel Garden, Brazil

The main intention is the people’s interaction with the space through a literal entrance into the poetry’s text, a six-part poem cast on each side of the cube. In this proposed performance the visitors will admire the light, the shadows, the mountainous landscape of the surroundings and the nocturnal projections of the letters on the lawn.

The six faces of the cube invite the reader to discover the Portuguese text (with a free English translation): HOJE AQUI TUDO MUDA (today here all changes) CADA HORA BIDA NOVA (each hour new life) CUBO OUVE TODA FALA (cube hears all talks) LOGO CABE ALGO RARO (so something rare fits) TATO PURO LEVA ALÉM (pure touch takes beyond) ESSE POVO QUER VOAR (this people wants to fly).

Inside the cube there is a soundtrack, composed and performed by the architects, which proposes several pulsations and speeches reinforcing the sensorial experience of the visit. Surrounding this metal cube is the STEEL GARDEN which is a modularly folded rebar installation in three sizes which, interacting with the local vegetation, suggests that the metal is also an element of nature.

This paradox signals that this material from mining and steel industry, in this composition, denounces ecological neglect and environmental demagogy.

In this garden, the loose letters on the lawn invite people to assemble their words in an interactive attitude. In this area it is proposed a place of permanence from which one can appreciate the whole installation. The gesture of using those letters from the cube’s face cut outs, as if they were spontaneous garden plants, suggests an ecological design attitude of not generating waste. Another sustainable aspect of this proposal is its possibility of disassembly allowing it to be re-presented several times in different places.

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