Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Project Brief
The elegantly standing arch roofed lamp like steel structure is a safety house designed to serve as a fire fighting and safety training station, to be located at Chennai. This captivating spacious structure has a unique inclined cladding periphery with glass façade sloping outwards in all directions. The project has been designed with state-of-the art utilities making this a class design venture.

Design Concept
The basic design concept of the structure is the lighting lamp thought. Being a fire fighting training station, the first thought conceived was the behaviour of fire as the same fire can spread light and if uncontrolled it can destroy anything. So the fire needs to be controlled as in a lamp which spreads light. By keeping this theme and considering the functionality of the structure as a fire fighting training station the lamp shape was drawn for the safety training center which suites it unconditionally and also being simple , cohesive in appeal at the same time.

The edifice being utilised for training facility for fire fighting workmen, having hollow structural steel sections as primary members being explored extensively to reduce the tonnage of the structure to 50 MT and to give maximum clear span suiting the interior work station module in each floor. Being a safety house, the structure is designed considering all kind of possible fire fighting occasions that could challenge the workmen. The structure is composed of composite deck slab as roof and floor slabs and also external cladding bracings to provide an arch shaped roof covering to evoke a decorated gate lamp resemblance to the structure.


“The expertise of Marvel team helped in giving this special aesthetics to the utility building with glass façade and architectural cladding and external bracings in front of the building casing the roof and flowing to the foundation which is one of the most unique features of this project. The required clear span area, structure profile, construction timing and overall economy determined the necessity to adopt and propose structural steel system and roofing. There is also added advantage for addition and alteration space for future requirements considering flexibility of the material, hence, the specific frame and bracing configuration.”

SHIBILY P. A., Structural Engineer, Marvel Structural Consultants

Structural Form
The decorated lamp pattern is acquired by providing the column members inclined in the designed angle and linearly varying floor areas to maintain that accurate lamp shape required in the geometry. The form of the structure consists of 10 inclined columns each of 36 ft to maintain the structure with a slope of 150 and is tied with beams all around the columns at each floor level of 11.5 ft height.

Each floor area is around 35 ft x 25 ft, 40 ft x 30 ft ,45 ft x 35 ft and 50 ft x 40ft starting from the ground floor to terrace with properly designed tunnels, fire pots, trap doors and slide door openings and arrangements as per the demanding requirements of the structure. The roofing system is curved and covered with galvalume sheeting and has and insulation of thermal gradient.

The role played by Marvel Structural Consultants team was extended up to linking the conceived thought and to execute the same practically. The team was involved right from the conceptual stage of the project which helped to execute the design successfully. As structural consultants, its engineers were instrumental in conceiving the concept in to a reality.

Using Steel
The versatility of steel gives designers the freedom to achieve their most ambitious visions. From being light weight, to giving column less large span spaces, it is an old age material with very modern expressions and compatibility. Steel structures can be erected speedily with accuracy. In fact, speed of erection is often one of the main criteria for selecting steel. Time related savings can easily amount up to 5 per cent of the overall project value, reducing the requirements for working capital and improving cash flow.

Steel framed structures are highly durable and do not age or decay as quickly as other construction materials, thereby, lasting longer before refurbishment is required. Steel’s inherent adaptability and flexibility also means that future changes or extensions – even vertically – can be carried out with minimal disruption and cost.

Meeting Requirements
The building is designed as per IS 800: 2007 code for super structure and IS 456: 2000 code for sub structure considering both strength and serviceability criteria with all the geographical data like wind loads – IS 875 part , Seismic loads – IS 1893 : 2002 ,loadings IS 875 part I & part II and load combinations as per IS 800: 2007.

The design of the building is creative in nature with new innovation techniques used to meet all the stringent building requirements that could meet all their processes. The engineering team successfully managed to overcome the restrictions on height of the column and on depth of both beams and columns to fit in all the client’s requirements. Special emphasis was laid on the design parameters in order to ensure that all aesthetic aspects will be ensured in the structural design also.

Strength & Stability
This structure features mainly hollow steel sections of grade 350 Mpa size varying from 250 x 250 x 12 mm square hollow sections as primary columns to 300 x 200 x 12 mm rectangular hollow sections as primary beams connecting to the columns at each floor level by utilising its inherent nature of stability for torsion which makes it extremely rigid for strength, stability or serviceability. The steel structure is designed as a moment frame in all the directions and proper bracings of 140 mm diameter Pipe sections and 90x90x8 mm ISA sections of grade 250 Mpa are provided in the roof and it’s continued to the foundation through the wall bracings to control the lateral deflection occurring in the structure.

The structural design, by virtue of material (RHS/SHS) coupled with geometry and shape of the roofing system is extremely economical and also to achieve full moment portal frame connections easily. The structural steel consist of NB Pipes/SHS/RHS are used to tune the total tonnage to 50 MT.

Deflections in all directions including inter storey drift are controlled by providing proper structural arrangements meeting the spectacular aesthetic of the structure. The entire structural analysis of the 3D space frame has been carried out using STAAD.Pro software. The building has been synchronized in three dimensions to get the dynamic profile. It has thus, been modulated in Revit to achieve the correct geometry.

All floors and roof slab is of composite floor deck slab laid over the joists ensuring that the members will be connected with ease at site, ultimately aiding in reduction of overall construction time. Many openings are provided in the floor slabs considering tunnels, slide wells, shutter openings, fire pots, anchorage hooks etc. as per the requirement for the training facility by laying mezzanine beams accordingly.

Each floor area demands maximum clear span for the functionality of the work area. This requirement was the major design criteria to achieve both structural and architectural aspects. Also the structural members are treated to withstand high temperature which will arise during the training sessions.

Fact File:
Project Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Client Name: Maruti Engineering
Structural Consultant: Marvel Structural Consultants
Project Phase: Under Construction
Image Courtesy: Marvel Structural Consultants


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